7 Toxic Everyday Products That Can Worsen Fibromyalgia

Generally, there are around 16% of fibromyalgia sufferers who also suffer from Multiple Chemical Sensitivity (MCS). It is a common condition that shows symptoms such as pain in joints, exhaustion, headaches, pain in the abdomen and brain fog, etc. MCS can be triggered easily by exposure to chemicals in the products we use and the environment around us.

The products that we use daily contain low levels of harmful chemicals. Which enters our body through our skin from skin products, and through the air we breathe.

Here are seven (07) products that you should get rid of them now.

Lead Lipstick

Lipsticks are 61% made of lead, which is a neurotoxin. When the US FDA examined over 400 unique lipsticks products, a high level of lead was found in them. Lead is a very dangerous chemical for pregnant women and little children. Because it can inhibit the brain development of a child. To avoid this, always check labels and buy safe and non-toxic lipstick products.

Bottled Water

People assume that bottled water is safe and pure, and they buy it and drink it more often. However, bottled water can be as tainted as tap water. After all, it is the tap water that is packed inside a plastic bottle to be sold. When the water is filled in the plastic bottle, the plastic emits harmful chemicals and makes the water more polluted. The chemicals it emits are harmful to the environment and the human body. Which makes bottled water more dangerous to drink. You should have a water filter or a stainless water bottle with you all the time to avoid buying plastic water bottles.

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Nonstick Pans

Nonstick pans contain perfluorooctanoic acid (PFOA), a chemical that causes cancer. While you are cooking, the nonstick lining of the pan scratches off and enter your food. To avoid that, you should use stainless steel, or cast iron cooking utensils, and olive oil for natural nonstick effect.

Air Fresheners

Air fresheners, synthetic candles or plugged-in scents consist phthalates. A chemical that is a hormone disrupter and it causes reproductive problems and asthma. Another chemical found in these products is estrogen, which increases the risk of breast cancer. They are also assumably carcinogens. These harmful chemicals enter our body easily when we breathe. As a replacement for these products, you should get natural fragrances from fragrant plants and or essential oils.


Phthalates are also in perfumes. They stimulate estrogen, which increases the chance and risk of having breast cancer. This occurs when diethyl phthalate (DEP) is absorbed by the skin and gathers in the fat tissue. Phthalates can be carcinogenic and hormone disruptors that could cause reproductive problems. In order not to suffer these problems, choose products with natural scents like essential oils. And when you put on perfume, make sure it never touches your body but clothes.

Food Heated in Plastic Containers

When you need to make food or heat it, do not use plastic containers in the microwave. Because when the process of heating the food is going on, the plastic emits chemicals and release them into your food. The chemicals absorb in your food and cause cancer. So just to be safe, heat your food in glass or ceramic dish in the microwave.


There are several antiperspirants that come with aluminum-based compounds. Apart from other chemicals that absorbs in the sweat glands. Some of the antiperspirants also have DMDM hydantoin and imidazo

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